Open Banking

Faster loan approval, secure, easier.

  • Open banking is a secure and safe way of sharing ļ¬nancial information such as bank account balances and transaction history.
  • It was launched by the European Union (PSD2) to give consumers more control over sharing their financial information and data.
  • Open banking and Truelayer follow strict rules and stringent standards to keep your data secure.
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Frequently asked questions

What is the (revised) Payment Services Directive (PSD2)?
What is an Account Information Service Provider (AISP)?
What can an AISP do with your bank account information?
Who is the AISP used in this process?
How does the overall process work?
Why would I want to use this service?
What will my account data be used for?
How long will the AISP have access to my account?
How long will the AISP hold my bank account information for?
Who will Truelayer (Ireland) Limited share your bank account information with?
What is the lawful basis for Truelayer (Ireland) Limited to share your account information with the Credit Union?
How will a Member exercise their rights under Data Protection?